
Co worker forged my signature

Just asking for advice, a co worker of mine signed my name and signature on a petition that was sent to my company manager. I had no knowledge of the petition or that my name was on it until my manager came to me annoyed. Obviously I told her the truth, that my signature had been forged by someone else, but they didn’t seem to investigate any further or be as angry as I was. Am I over reacting, or should I take this to HR?

Just asking for advice, a co worker of mine signed my name and signature on a petition that was sent to my company manager. I had no knowledge of the petition or that my name was on it until my manager came to me annoyed. Obviously I told her the truth, that my signature had been forged by someone else, but they didn’t seem to investigate any further or be as angry as I was. Am I over reacting, or should I take this to HR?

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