
Co-worker keeps lying to manager about me.

I have a co-worker who, when ANY mistake is made will instantly report it to the manager and make it seem like it was the worst thing to ever happen. For example, I accidentally overfilled something and then corrected my mistake. They reported to my manager that I had “a habit” of doing this and that I was “risking safety” by doing it. Every single time this happens, and when they make a mistake, even a really big one, I don't report it unless it's needed (like easily seen damage) because this type of behavior is so fucking exhausting to do even if it's in “revenge”. I asked some friends how to deal with this and they said to talk to them like an adult (which seems risky because I'm sure they'll report me to the manager for harassment). Does anyone have any tips or tricks to deal with this…

I have a co-worker who, when ANY mistake is made will instantly report it to the manager and make it seem like it was the worst thing to ever happen. For example, I accidentally overfilled something and then corrected my mistake. They reported to my manager that I had “a habit” of doing this and that I was “risking safety” by doing it. Every single time this happens, and when they make a mistake, even a really big one, I don't report it unless it's needed (like easily seen damage) because this type of behavior is so fucking exhausting to do even if it's in “revenge”.

I asked some friends how to deal with this and they said to talk to them like an adult (which seems risky because I'm sure they'll report me to the manager for harassment).

Does anyone have any tips or tricks to deal with this situation? They're really starting to get on my nerves.

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