
Colleague lost her mother, I was asked immediately handed over her work.

I have a colleague who worked so hard on a project, I helped a little with it but then gave it all to her. She worked so hard on it. Her mom died yesterday and I’ve just known today, went and told my manager so then he can send his condolences or whatever. Then immediately handed me her work, said “she will take time a lot of time off I guess”. P.S. she is an unpaid intern.

I have a colleague who worked so hard on a project, I helped a little with it but then gave it all to her. She worked so hard on it. Her mom died yesterday and I’ve just known today, went and told my manager so then he can send his condolences or whatever. Then immediately handed me her work, said “she will take time a lot of time off I guess”.
P.S. she is an unpaid intern.

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