
Collegues are “happy” to work unpaid overtime

I work in a small team in a small-ish buisness and my team members all do loads of unpaid overtime and it really winds me up. I've talked to them about it a few times and they say they are “happy to do it” or that “it's just how it is”. I don't understand them! I arrive the minute my shift starts, and leave the minute it ends, but they spend hours a week beyond their contract working. I feel like they are putting the expectation that this is ok (which is it not). I don't know if my boss even knows how much overtime they are putting in (he's rarely on site) so I get the label of 'least productive' because I only work my paid hours.

I work in a small team in a small-ish buisness and my team members all do loads of unpaid overtime and it really winds me up. I've talked to them about it a few times and they say they are “happy to do it” or that “it's just how it is”. I don't understand them! I arrive the minute my shift starts, and leave the minute it ends, but they spend hours a week beyond their contract working. I feel like they are putting the expectation that this is ok (which is it not). I don't know if my boss even knows how much overtime they are putting in (he's rarely on site) so I get the label of 'least productive' because I only work my paid hours.

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