
Come in even if sick

Have a severe infection. High fever. Told I got strep AS WELL. Told my manager. “You need to come in regardless if you're sick we don't have enough staff” Ok guys. Yeah not happening. Not my fault that your under staffed. Maybe pay better. My health is more important than your min wage pay. I'll find somewhere else. Also what part of I have strep do you not understand. I should go in and like cough on them get them all sick then maybe they'll change their minds. Jeez.

Have a severe infection. High fever. Told I got strep AS WELL.
Told my manager.
“You need to come in regardless if you're sick we don't have enough staff”

Ok guys. Yeah not happening. Not my fault that your under staffed. Maybe pay better. My health is more important than your min wage pay. I'll find somewhere else. Also what part of I have strep do you not understand. I should go in and like cough on them get them all sick then maybe they'll change their minds.

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