
Comments from CEO, am I reading into it?

CEO asked me last minute to join a presentation to the Board. He asked that I do a two minute update on the launch of a new product, which I did. After the meeting the group that presented was talking about how it went when the CEO came up to us and told me specifically “good job, although you didn’t really do much”, and proceeded to tell the rest of the team that did the bulk of the presentation what a good job they did. I was kind of pissed because the “you didn’t do much” really didn’t need to be said, specially in front of everyone. I never claimed to have done much, and I did exactly what he asked me to do. I’m fairly certain he doesn’t like me because of the looks he gives me when I have to talk to him and how he has responded…

CEO asked me last minute to join a presentation to the Board. He asked that I do a two minute update on the launch of a new product, which I did. After the meeting the group that presented was talking about how it went when the CEO came up to us and told me specifically “good job, although you didn’t really do much”, and proceeded to tell the rest of the team that did the bulk of the presentation what a good job they did.

I was kind of pissed because the “you didn’t do much” really didn’t need to be said, specially in front of everyone. I never claimed to have done much, and I did exactly what he asked me to do. I’m fairly certain he doesn’t like me because of the looks he gives me when I have to talk to him and how he has responded to me in the past, which is fine because the feeling is mutual as I think he is overpaid for the amount of work he actually does.

Am I reading into it or was that kind of a jerk thing to say?

I’m already looking for a new job so hopefully this is short lived.

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