
Companies are posting Jobs they do not intend on filling. Why?

This is not just some “TikTok Propoganda” it is really happening. We had multiple rounds of layoffs in my Org around this time last year. In the call to notify the remaining employees, they boasted about having 1500 jobs open. At this time, there are about half as many, but the problem is that these positions are not being filled. Posts are sitting for months at a time. When the hiring managers are confronted they give the same story. “Well we are keeping it open for the perfect candidate.” The Recruiters do not even reply, they literally just ghost you. And then, when you ask too many questions, the same position mysteriously disappears and the same position under the same manager is posted under a new job code. Myself and a co-worker went through multiple internal interview processes over the past 2 months and had the same exact scenarios occur.…

This is not just some “TikTok Propoganda” it is really happening.

We had multiple rounds of layoffs in my Org around this time last year. In the call to notify the remaining employees, they boasted about having 1500 jobs open. At this time, there are about half as many, but the problem is that these positions are not being filled.

  • Posts are sitting for months at a time. When the hiring managers are confronted they give the same story. “Well we are keeping it open for the perfect candidate.” The Recruiters do not even reply, they literally just ghost you. And then, when you ask too many questions, the same position mysteriously disappears and the same position under the same manager is posted under a new job code.

  • Myself and a co-worker went through multiple internal interview processes over the past 2 months and had the same exact scenarios occur. We interviewed well and then we waited and waited. Asked for updates and after several weeks finally got declined because a “candidate with more experience was chosen”. But wait! 2-3 days later, the same job was posted under the same manager and when we asked “oh, is there another position open or did the candidate decline?”… No answer!

Clearly companies are creating a false labor demand with these jobs they do not intend on filling, and the timelines are all very similar, it takes about 60 days for a position to be posted and “filled” and then reposted within a week. One time is a coincidence, even 3 times to the same person can be coincidence. But, 3 separate occasions each happening to 2 separate individuals for a total of 6 duplicate scenarios is not a conspiracy.

What’s going on?

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