
Companies No Longer Advertising Salaries on LinkedIn

Not sure if this is really an r/antiwork worthy post or not, but it does seem pretty sketchy in regards to what I'm noticing from companies on LinkedIn. I've been browsing for work again on LinkedIn for the first time since 2021. Immediately, I noticed that a lot of the positions I'm looking at don't have the salary listed. Is that a LinkedIn thing or is this some weird ploy by emiployers to try to get more applications in hopes of luring someone deep enough to accept a position at a low pay rate?

Not sure if this is really an r/antiwork worthy post or not, but it does seem pretty sketchy in regards to what I'm noticing from companies on LinkedIn. I've been browsing for work again on LinkedIn for the first time since 2021. Immediately, I noticed that a lot of the positions I'm looking at don't have the salary listed. Is that a LinkedIn thing or is this some weird ploy by emiployers to try to get more applications in hopes of luring someone deep enough to accept a position at a low pay rate?

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