
Companies Only Want Hardcore Workers

“Companies Only Want Hardcore Workers” tl/dr: companies are quietly seeking out the most hardcore, sacrifice-anything workers and moving away from valuing work-life balance or flexibility. This reflects the changing nature of work away from traditional corporations. Companies are moving away from valuing “lifestyle” or “casual” employees who prioritize work-life balance over being fully committed to the job. They want “hardcore” workers who are willing to sacrifice everything and do exactly what they're told without complaints. This is similar to the dynamic on Alaskan fishing boats. Return to office policies and other measures are ways companies are trying to filter out casual workers and get those who will work the hardest. However, they can't explicitly say this due to political correctness. Top talent will still be given exceptions to work flexibly, but others will face pressure to prove their hardcore mentality through strict adherence to company demands. This shift benefits…

“Companies Only Want Hardcore Workers”

tl/dr: companies are quietly seeking out the most hardcore, sacrifice-anything workers and moving away from valuing work-life balance or flexibility. This reflects the changing nature of work away from traditional corporations.

  • Companies are moving away from valuing “lifestyle” or “casual” employees who prioritize work-life balance over being fully committed to the job.
  • They want “hardcore” workers who are willing to sacrifice everything and do exactly what they're told without complaints. This is similar to the dynamic on Alaskan fishing boats.
  • Return to office policies and other measures are ways companies are trying to filter out casual workers and get those who will work the hardest. However, they can't explicitly say this due to political correctness.
  • Top talent will still be given exceptions to work flexibly, but others will face pressure to prove their hardcore mentality through strict adherence to company demands.
  • This shift benefits companies in the short term by maximizing productivity. However, it signals the end of the outdated corporate model and people should consider moving to individual-focused work instead of rigid company jobs.

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