
Company back-paid me for 50 hours instead of $50.

I was owed $50 retro pay by my company. They basically kept blowing me off for months on it, carrot-on-stick status. It really put a strain in our relationship that never went away. $50 is fiddlesticks. It was the principle of the thing, that we had an agreement, that I had done things I wasn’t paid for, that fair was fair. One day, they came to me asking for my help and I told them I needed to be paid first. I guess that finally did it, because I got paid. However, instead of being paid $50, I was paid for 50 hours, amounting to something like $500 extra that I was paid. Incompetent jackoffs. This was about six weeks (three pay periods) ago and nobody has said anything to me and I haven’t said anything to anybody. I haven’t spent it. I guess I’m wondering what the company can…

I was owed $50 retro pay by my company. They basically kept blowing me off for months on it, carrot-on-stick status. It really put a strain in our relationship that never went away. $50 is fiddlesticks. It was the principle of the thing, that we had an agreement, that I had done things I wasn’t paid for, that fair was fair.

One day, they came to me asking for my help and I told them I needed to be paid first. I guess that finally did it, because I got paid. However, instead of being paid $50, I was paid for 50 hours, amounting to something like $500 extra that I was paid. Incompetent jackoffs.

This was about six weeks (three pay periods) ago and nobody has said anything to me and I haven’t said anything to anybody. I haven’t spent it.

I guess I’m wondering what the company can do if they discover their mistake and what my options might be. I’m certainly not in a rush to do any favors for these manipulative fucks.

Thanks for your input.

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