
Company butchered shift bid

I don’t know if I’m asking for advice as much as I’m just venting. I work for a roadside assistance call center. Not AAA. Probably the largest white label company in the industry. I dispatch and manage roadside assistance calls to make sure your help gets to you. I have always loved this company. I started before the pandemic and they amazed me during the pandemic. They literally sent us all home without question, gave us computers which we now own, and most of us are still permanently WFH. Love it. During this time I also got promoted to our top of the line call management department. I make over $20/hour (in an area where the average wage is like $10) and love my work. For a call center, this company is top tier. I could see myself retiring here. Well, turns out our department has been horribly mismanaged. It’s…

I don’t know if I’m asking for advice as much as I’m just venting.

I work for a roadside assistance call center. Not AAA. Probably the largest white label company in the industry. I dispatch and manage roadside assistance calls to make sure your help gets to you.

I have always loved this company. I started before the pandemic and they amazed me during the pandemic. They literally sent us all home without question, gave us computers which we now own, and most of us are still permanently WFH. Love it.

During this time I also got promoted to our top of the line call management department. I make over $20/hour (in an area where the average wage is like $10) and love my work. For a call center, this company is top tier. I could see myself retiring here.

Well, turns out our department has been horribly mismanaged. It’s a small department (120 people out of thousands) and management has been super hands off. To the point that they gave a lot of agents these sweetheart perfect schedules. Now, our staffing no longer matches when we are actually busy.

So they’re doing a shift bid. They’re taking one stat (that can be easily manipulated) over six months and basing it all off that. Pick 40 possible schedules, rank them, it all goes into a computer like a fantasy football draft.

All of the schedules are awful. To get a normal 9-5 schedule you basically have to have split days off. There’s only a couple of openings for what I work now (which isn’t even a super desirable schedule) and I’m worried I may get stuck on overnights.

We were told this would never happen. My entire life is built around having the days off I have now.

Despite representing like 20% of the company, we bring in over 50% of revenue. I’ve been talking to people and we’re considering a sort of protest. It’s ridiculous.

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