
Company created a new role for me, confirmed for 3 weeks and suddenly said the position is not available

27F- I was interviewing with this company for a certain role and after a couple of rounds, they said my profile fits in another position that they had been thinking of introducing (it's a growth stage startup). That role was more aligned with my skills so I got excited, continued the rest of the rounds with that role in mind. Numerous interviews, a week long assignment and after 15 days of back and forth, they extended an offer to me. Matched my salary requirements after a lot of hesitation (it was below what I had initially asked and if they had a problem with it, they shouldn't have continued with the interview), but I agreed to accept it. Informed them that I have a trip planned well in advance so my joining should be after that, or I can work from home for a few weeks. The HR agreed to…

27F- I was interviewing with this company for a certain role and after a couple of rounds, they said my profile fits in another position that they had been thinking of introducing (it's a growth stage startup). That role was more aligned with my skills so I got excited, continued the rest of the rounds with that role in mind.

Numerous interviews, a week long assignment and after 15 days of back and forth, they extended an offer to me. Matched my salary requirements after a lot of hesitation (it was below what I had initially asked and if they had a problem with it, they shouldn't have continued with the interview), but I agreed to accept it.

Informed them that I have a trip planned well in advance so my joining should be after that, or I can work from home for a few weeks. The HR agreed to all this, but kept asking me to change my flight tickets to be in the city on a certain week, but no chances of reimbursement.

Now I thought we're all set on everything, joining date is after the trip (3 weeks later), the company seems excited to bring me onboard…but a few days before my joining, they said they don't need this position anymore. I realised something was wrong after 2 weeks, so I asked a couple of times, and they kept assuring me that they're more than excited to have me.

I hate the situation I created for myself in the meantime. I was already on a career break (burn out), stopping job hunting in the meantime, rejected a few other interview calls and an offer. Now I'm having to start the whole process again and it's so frustrating, especially now that I'm attached to that made up role (which is proving to be hard to find). My break has extended by a month now and don't know how long before I find another job. It's just so frustrating how we're always taken for granted by most companies. Just needed to rant.

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