
Company executives say “there is nothing to worry about.”

In a routine meeting, one of our company executives took the time to go on a five minute tangent about the economy, and how there is nothing to worry about for the future of the company, and that everything is business as usual. So to clarify for everyone else, any time this happens it means that there IS something to worry about, the future of the company is NOT solid, and that everything is NOT business as usual. It is very nice of the executives to tell us what is going on. I know they don’t mean to, look up “Freudian Slip” if you aren’t familiar. Any time your company stresses that something is not occurring, it is most definitely occurring.

In a routine meeting, one of our company executives took the time to go on a five minute tangent about the economy, and how there is nothing to worry about for the future of the company, and that everything is business as usual.

So to clarify for everyone else, any time this happens it means that there IS something to worry about, the future of the company is NOT solid, and that everything is NOT business as usual.

It is very nice of the executives to tell us what is going on. I know they don’t mean to, look up “Freudian Slip” if you aren’t familiar.

Any time your company stresses that something is not occurring, it is most definitely occurring.

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