
Company founders make mistakes but rarely pay the cost

It's so insulting to see them on camera in their gigantic dream houses while I'm sweating my ass off in my one bedroom, trying to hear their performative bullshit over my neighbours screaming at each other. Every time leadership fucks up at my company, people get laid off. They call a meeting and apologize, say what happened, admit they fucked up and miscalculated, but they never take a pay cut, never step down, nothing. The people below them in the trenches pay the price. The performative meetings they call to try and keep everyone's anxiety at bay make me sick to my stomach

It's so insulting to see them on camera in their gigantic dream houses while I'm sweating my ass off in my one bedroom, trying to hear their performative bullshit over my neighbours screaming at each other.

Every time leadership fucks up at my company, people get laid off.

They call a meeting and apologize, say what happened, admit they fucked up and miscalculated, but they never take a pay cut, never step down, nothing. The people below them in the trenches pay the price. The performative meetings they call to try and keep everyone's anxiety at bay make me sick to my stomach

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