
Company gives generous vacation time, but apparently you’re looked down upon if you use all of it. Is this normal?

I started working this job a month ago. Already second antiwork post lol. But I was speaking with a coworker about the benefits and I mentioned that the vacation time is like double what my previous job had. He said that yes, it is generous, but then he warned me. He said some of the higher up guys (like age 50+) will notice and judge you if you take the entire allotment of vacation days. Like if you use all your days, you will get the reputation of “well this guy just doesn’t want to work”. Is this a normal attitude? Why offer that many if you’re going to be looked down on for taking them? I will say this is an industry where people brag to eachother about how late they stayed, how early they came in, or how they came in for a few hours on Saturday.

I started working this job a month ago. Already second antiwork post lol. But I was speaking with a coworker about the benefits and I mentioned that the vacation time is like double what my previous job had.

He said that yes, it is generous, but then he warned me. He said some of the higher up guys (like age 50+) will notice and judge you if you take the entire allotment of vacation days. Like if you use all your days, you will get the reputation of “well this guy just doesn’t want to work”. Is this a normal attitude? Why offer that many if you’re going to be looked down on for taking them?

I will say this is an industry where people brag to eachother about how late they stayed, how early they came in, or how they came in for a few hours on Saturday.

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