
Company got bought out, gave a long speech about how everyone job is safe, weeks later, several fired.

Been with the company for 17 years. Company got bought out and slowly fired people for the dumbest reasons. One co-worker came in 10 minutes late, instant let go. One ate lunch while listening to a long Zoom call. Eventually, they fired me because they figured why have a manager when there’s a CEO involved. I run all the accounts, important financial numbers, etc. The CEO, President, Vice President, Owner talked to corporate about how they need me and was essential to keep things going, none of them knew how to do it. That did not matter, corporate fired me and put the reason as failure to follow directions. Corporate wiped my PC clean that day while I was still on the clock, no backup. I was cool with the IT guy, told him I had some important personal files on that PC, he let me in for 10 minutes…

Been with the company for 17 years. Company got bought out and slowly fired people for the dumbest reasons. One co-worker came in 10 minutes late, instant let go. One ate lunch while listening to a long Zoom call. Eventually, they fired me because they figured why have a manager when there’s a CEO involved. I run all the accounts, important financial numbers, etc. The CEO, President, Vice President, Owner talked to corporate about how they need me and was essential to keep things going, none of them knew how to do it. That did not matter, corporate fired me and put the reason as failure to follow directions. Corporate wiped my PC clean that day while I was still on the clock, no backup. I was cool with the IT guy, told him I had some important personal files on that PC, he let me in for 10 minutes to get what I can, but it was all gone. All the automation software I wrote, gone, even my important personal files were nowhere to be found. Weeks later, my phone was blowing up. Corporate needed some financial numbers, CEO needed directions on how to pull accounts, our thousands of customers were getting upset that they do not have their financial numbers. Accounts were not being paid. Funny thing, everyone wants me back but corporate does not. I would tell them, everything you need is on my computer. They eventually hired several temp workers with low wages and no benefits. The higher up already got paid, taking long trips, buying houses, yacht. The company is still a mess, customers no longer get financial numbers, numbers to corporate were all rigged, delinquent accounts. Funny stuff.

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