
Company has 2nd best year and makes my colleage redundant

I work in an industry that as a warehouse operative that is very much weather dependant. The spring/summer periods are basically working flat out 7am until 6pm inside an industrial freezer picking orders and assembling them for dispatch. Beginning of August our directors are buzzing saying we're currently around 12% off our best ever year which is unheard of at this time. Now fast foreward 2 weeks we are rushed off our feet in the middle of a heat wave with orders flying in faster than me and the other guy can pick them, we're averaging around 30k steps this week and there's no sign of slowing down. 5pm rolls round and the directors call the other guy up to have a chat which I didn't think much of, he's not the most tactful when talking to people so assumed it was something to do with that. He comes down…

I work in an industry that as a warehouse operative that is very much weather dependant. The spring/summer periods are basically working flat out 7am until 6pm inside an industrial freezer picking orders and assembling them for dispatch.

Beginning of August our directors are buzzing saying we're currently around 12% off our best ever year which is unheard of at this time.

Now fast foreward 2 weeks we are rushed off our feet in the middle of a heat wave with orders flying in faster than me and the other guy can pick them, we're averaging around 30k steps this week and there's no sign of slowing down. 5pm rolls round and the directors call the other guy up to have a chat which I didn't think much of, he's not the most tactful when talking to people so assumed it was something to do with that. He comes down and says he's been made redundant and today was his last day. Now this happened on a Tuesday which is our quiet day compared to the others.

At first I thought he was pulling my leg but it turns out to be true and I'm fuming. When I asked the directors they said it was a long time coming because their overheads being increased to the point where peoples jobs were being effected. Now when I say we are having our 2nd best ever year I mean pure profit, including the expenses.

I do feel for the guy, he was 5 years my junior and had been here 2 years with a an apprenticeship and first aid qualification under his belt so getting another job shouldn't be hard and he's said he has an interview in the next week but a part of me is selfishly annoyed that I'm already on a terrible wage and struggling to pay for rent as well as see my family with the long hours I work, now with the expectation to not only manage my own responsibilities but to also complete my colleagues. Its completely changed who I am. I have come home angry every single day, the only time I've eaten is when I force myself to have a lunch break at work much to my managers annoyance. As soon as I get home I have a shower and go straight to bed. I'm too tired to do anything else.

Now I don't care what the owner of the business does with his money, its his business but for a company that is apparently struggling enough financially that they had to make someone redundant I was surprised to hear that both the directors decided to go on a “business trip to Spain to discuss the possibility of distributing a new brand”. Only to see pictures of them playing golf every day of the week so far.

Sorry about the rambling but to say I'm mad is an understatement. I've been here 7 years and for the most part it's been problem free but this sudden change in attitude towards staff has made it so toxic you need HAZMAT gear to go anywhere near it.

Tldr. Guy is made redundant on 2nd ever best year while it is still busy and the bosses piss off for a week to play golf under the guise its a business trip.

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