
Company has been having issues paying us.

Vent/looking for advice on what to do. I am an insurance agent. Been at this company for about 5 months. They were paying us on time, then it was like a day or 2 late. Moved to a week late. Now we are fucked. I was supposed to be paid on 16th that was a Sunday so 17th. Haven’t been paid that yet. Supposed to be paid on the 1st and haven’t gotten that one either. Coworkers are having trouble feeding themselves and their family. Need to pay rent, etc. have one coworker who hasn’t gotten paid since the 1st of July. Also, that check bounced so he is negative in his account. Dumbest part of it all, they were trying to be more open about communication and once shit hit the fan, it’s been radio silence. So, we are all fucked. Honestly would’ve left already but I have a…

Vent/looking for advice on what to do.

I am an insurance agent. Been at this company for about 5 months. They were paying us on time, then it was like a day or 2 late. Moved to a week late.

Now we are fucked. I was supposed to be paid on 16th that was a Sunday so 17th. Haven’t been paid that yet. Supposed to be paid on the 1st and haven’t gotten that one either.

Coworkers are having trouble feeding themselves and their family. Need to pay rent, etc. have one coworker who hasn’t gotten paid since the 1st of July. Also, that check bounced so he is negative in his account.

Dumbest part of it all, they were trying to be more open about communication and once shit hit the fan, it’s been radio silence. So, we are all fucked.

Honestly would’ve left already but I have a 2 year gap on my resume before this job. And it was a total bitch to even just get this. Looking for stuff now.

Love how if there is an issue with an employee, just fire them. Instant solve.
Issue with an employer. Oh you need a lawyer and wait 4 months for the dept of labor.

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