
Company introducing sales pitches to customer support calls, what can I do to prepare to defend myself and my pay?

I work for a mid level SaaS company in technical support. We get in, talk to people already angry about the software, fix the problem, and get out. It’s been this way for over a year. We have a sales team that handles any upgrades they need to their account. We’re slammed 24/7, as we’re a team of 5 people handling support for the entire application with over 10k users. Corporate invited everyone on our sales team to a meeting titled “Cross-sell Launch: Support team” with promises of “incentive programs” for referrals in the description. I’ve worked enough sales jobs to know what this means. I left sales to get away from KPIs and sale goals. I’m not prepared to do a sales position or be hassled about why I’m not upgrading enough people. I’m already on a lower pay-grade than the rest of the team(I get paid ~$1.80 less…

I work for a mid level SaaS company in technical support. We get in, talk to people already angry about the software, fix the problem, and get out. It’s been this way for over a year. We have a sales team that handles any upgrades they need to their account. We’re slammed 24/7, as we’re a team of 5 people handling support for the entire application with over 10k users.

Corporate invited everyone on our sales team to a meeting titled “Cross-sell Launch: Support team” with promises of “incentive programs” for referrals in the description. I’ve worked enough sales jobs to know what this means.

I left sales to get away from KPIs and sale goals. I’m not prepared to do a sales position or be hassled about why I’m not upgrading enough people. I’m already on a lower pay-grade than the rest of the team(I get paid ~$1.80 less an hour than the rest of the team, HR doesn’t care) and I don’t know that I can handle the stress of another sales job on top of the existing stress of our massive ticket queues. What can I do about this? Is there anything I can prepare or ask of management to try to avoid this or at least get some kind of better situation for myself?

(Also, I know this will be brought up, I would just get another job, and I’m trying, but the market has been terrible to me. I’ve been applying to at least a few positions a week for 2 years now and so far I’ve gotten 4 call backs from recruiters for “a quick chat”. No call-backs from companies or in person/zoom interviews.)

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