
Company is gaslighting me

I can’t go into much detail at all, due to pending investigation. But I need some reassurance here, as I’ve felt gaslit in my last few meetings with management. I was turned down for a promotion (4 available) that I was the 2nd most qualified and experienced to receive. There was a lot of irrelevant and biased/discriminatory feedback I was provided, but a piece I heard today was “you tend to go home early or call out the next day after receiving bad news.” This bad news typically being me getting turned down for a promotion I was looking forward to. Which happens maybe once a year. I have struggled with mental health issues my entire life, and have very strong, emotional reactions to this news AT HOME. I use my legally earned sick time to process these difficult emotions, because I am not well enough to be at work.…

I can’t go into much detail at all, due to pending investigation. But I need some reassurance here, as I’ve felt gaslit in my last few meetings with management. I was turned down for a promotion (4 available) that I was the 2nd most qualified and experienced to receive. There was a lot of irrelevant and biased/discriminatory feedback I was provided, but a piece I heard today was “you tend to go home early or call out the next day after receiving bad news.” This bad news typically being me getting turned down for a promotion I was looking forward to. Which happens maybe once a year. I have struggled with mental health issues my entire life, and have very strong, emotional reactions to this news AT HOME. I use my legally earned sick time to process these difficult emotions, because I am not well enough to be at work. It cannot be legal for them to hold this against me, right?

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