
Company is mad that I am leaving them. CEO and managers are not your friends

I have left the company 2 years ago and they are still upset over me leaving them behind. They were extremely understaffed, they tried to underpay people there, they did not communicate and left us to figure everything out on our own. I was dumped with all the work while they watched me do everything. They were just horrible to us. Since I left them, they started saying rude and mean things to me. I saw through them their fakeness and wanting to keep me in a box. Goodbye

I have left the company 2 years ago and they are still upset over me leaving them behind. They were extremely understaffed, they tried to underpay people there, they did not communicate and left us to figure everything out on our own. I was dumped with all the work while they watched me do everything. They were just horrible to us. Since I left them, they started saying rude and mean things to me. I saw through them their fakeness and wanting to keep me in a box. Goodbye

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