
Company just banned our morning/afternoon breaks … feeling a bit miffed

I have been here for a little over a year, as the only employee at my branch not including the manager, owner and janitor. We finally started hiring people which I thought was great. But then yesterday my manager asked me to come to a meeting. During this meeting she informed me that because the state I live in doesn’t require breaks, they’re taking them away. So the only “break” I get now is my unpaid lunch. She said if I need to pee, that’s fine, I can go anytime I need to. If I want to get some water or something from the kitchen, that’s fine. If my eyes hurt I can take a few seconds to look around and let the muscles relax. But the days of leaving my desk to go sit in a secluded corner for 10 minutes for a mental break, are over. They’re making…

I have been here for a little over a year, as the only employee at my branch not including the manager, owner and janitor. We finally started hiring people which I thought was great. But then yesterday my manager asked me to come to a meeting.

During this meeting she informed me that because the state I live in doesn’t require breaks, they’re taking them away. So the only “break” I get now is my unpaid lunch. She said if I need to pee, that’s fine, I can go anytime I need to. If I want to get some water or something from the kitchen, that’s fine. If my eyes hurt I can take a few seconds to look around and let the muscles relax. But the days of leaving my desk to go sit in a secluded corner for 10 minutes for a mental break, are over.

They’re making it less and less appealing to work here by the day. I’m still sticking around because the job market sucks, but I’m definitely not a happy camper.

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