
Company likes to talk about employees behind their back.

I have been employed by a company that works with recovering humans with addictions and alcoholism. I love being able to help the clients we work with everyday, even if I don't do any clinical work. This past week I have been out of office, very sick with multiple trips to doctors and an urgent care. A fellow coworker of mine, bless their heart, let me know that one of my higher ups decided to speak on my behalf during a meeting I wasn't able to attend, behind my back, telling them they need to fill my position immediately as I was planning to find another job. This was something she overheard in a conversation over a month ago, where I was burnt out and overly stressed from my job. If I were to get another position, I was going to give them 3 weeks notice and help train whoever…

I have been employed by a company that works with recovering humans with addictions and alcoholism. I love being able to help the clients we work with everyday, even if I don't do any clinical work.
This past week I have been out of office, very sick with multiple trips to doctors and an urgent care. A fellow coworker of mine, bless their heart, let me know that one of my higher ups decided to speak on my behalf during a meeting I wasn't able to attend, behind my back, telling them they need to fill my position immediately as I was planning to find another job. This was something she overheard in a conversation over a month ago, where I was burnt out and overly stressed from my job.

If I were to get another position, I was going to give them 3 weeks notice and help train whoever was going to take my position. I have now decided to just slip an envelope with the remaining things I need to return, into our mail slip in our door before anyone comes into work on Monday morning. They no longer deserve my hard work, my time, nor my kindness. They have done questionable things to past employees that have caused them to quit and find work elsewhere. Shit, we have gone through about 10 different employees who have since left in the past year I've worked here.

I have thankfully found employment, and start next Friday with a wonderful company that is family owned, where the family works with their employees 5 days a week. I'm going to enjoy this next week finishing up healing, playing some games, getting house work done, and enjoying time with my partner.

Fuck companies that don't give a shit about those that work for them, never settle for bullshit!!

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