
Company made my bonus pay worse because I was doing too good.

For context, I work at a company that does sales more or less. (Kind of cringe, I know.) Basically, they have a system in place, where they give you a special bonus if you complete 9 successful sales in a day. However, in my case, I was really good… Extremely good in fact… so good that I was basically hitting the mark for the 9 every single day. (Still am in a lot of cases.) Either way, the company employers basically decided that for specifically me, I would be required from now on to obtain 12 sales in the same allotted time to receive the same bonus pay. All other employees would be exempt from this. I would NOT be receiving any increases for the increased amounts of sales. This will NOT be reset according to them. Is this legal? What exactly can I do about this?

For context, I work at a company that does sales more or less. (Kind of cringe, I know.) Basically, they have a system in place, where they give you a special bonus if you complete 9 successful sales in a day. However, in my case, I was really good… Extremely good in fact… so good that I was basically hitting the mark for the 9 every single day. (Still am in a lot of cases.) Either way, the company employers basically decided that for specifically me, I would be required from now on to obtain 12 sales in the same allotted time to receive the same bonus pay.

All other employees would be exempt from this.

I would NOT be receiving any increases for the increased amounts of sales.

This will NOT be reset according to them.

Is this legal? What exactly can I do about this?

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