
Company Posted “Engagement Survey” Results on Company Forum – Chaos Ensued

The company I work for recently put out an “engagement survey” to gauge employee satisfaction. At first I was happy for the chance to give feedback, but the questions asked were super disappointing, and not ONE of them touched on compensation. It was all about pretty much every other possible subject – teambuilding activities, growth opportunities, insurance “benefits” (they are atrocious), how connected you feel to your team, how you like to be recognized (not with a paycheck, but, you know, pats on the back), etc. They just posted the results of the survey on the company's forum yesterday. No one seemed to notice then, but boy oh boy there have been 50+ comments today alone from people saying they done messed up. Other types of posts on this forum get MAYBE 5-10 comments on the high side. Story after story of loyal, competent people, many with 5+ years of…

The company I work for recently put out an “engagement survey” to gauge employee satisfaction. At first I was happy for the chance to give feedback, but the questions asked were super disappointing, and not ONE of them touched on compensation. It was all about pretty much every other possible subject – teambuilding activities, growth opportunities, insurance “benefits” (they are atrocious), how connected you feel to your team, how you like to be recognized (not with a paycheck, but, you know, pats on the back), etc.

They just posted the results of the survey on the company's forum yesterday. No one seemed to notice then, but boy oh boy there have been 50+ comments today alone from people saying they done messed up. Other types of posts on this forum get MAYBE 5-10 comments on the high side. Story after story of loyal, competent people, many with 5+ years of hard work and service being paid like dirt, trying to make ends meet, performing the functions of multiple people due to understaffing, burning out, being unable to care for family members with health problems, and on and on.

HR tried to squash the conversation saying these things need to be discussed privately because they can't be resolved on the forum. So people are responding directly to HR's comment saying that, no, they've been trying to resolve it behind closed doors for too long, getting shut down every time, and they want an open conversation. It's beautiful to watch to comment number rise with every hour.

Someone posted fliers all over the building with a screenshot of the post inviting people see what their coworkers are saying and add to the conversation.

Please pass the popcorn, I am loving this.

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