
Company proformance review/year “raise” month

Starting in the next couple days department heads in my machine shop are going to do our yearly reviews and submit them to HR to be assigned a score and them we'll be given a raise based on the score (the whole system is new this year and no one really knows how it's gonna work behind the curtin) I've also decided to start the secretive process of organizing the shop. In this suburb of memphis TN it's gonna be an up hill battle. What percentage of pay would we all need to get to make as much usable value as the year before? I think it would be a good talking point when we all get lowballed at the end of the month. Especially when i reminded them that the 150 million the company posted in profit was after we all got paid.

Starting in the next couple days department heads in my machine shop are going to do our yearly reviews and submit them to HR to be assigned a score and them we'll be given a raise based on the score (the whole system is new this year and no one really knows how it's gonna work behind the curtin)

I've also decided to start the secretive process of organizing the shop. In this suburb of memphis TN it's gonna be an up hill battle.

What percentage of pay would we all need to get to make as much usable value as the year before? I think it would be a good talking point when we all get lowballed at the end of the month. Especially when i reminded them that the 150 million the company posted in profit was after we all got paid.

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