
Not ALLOWED to do anything?

Got denied from the military because God forbid I went to a Dr and took an anti depressant because of COVID, losing family members, and losing my previous career. So scoring the maximum possible score on ASVAB and the TAPAS test did not matter whatsoever. Got denied from policing despite the highest physical score and highest written score in the test group because I had a medical Marijuana card 6 years ago because the war on opioids for a back problem I was born with and got surgically fixed. Can't get an interview at the grocery store because I'm over qualified. Can't get an interview for IT because my degree isnt in that field. Pursuing medicine is worthless without spending most of a decade getting a PhD then acquiring 20 years of tenure. What the actual fuck am I allowed to do? Go back to college for another worthless degree…

Got denied from the military because God forbid I went to a Dr and took an anti depressant because of COVID, losing family members, and losing my previous career. So scoring the maximum possible score on ASVAB and the TAPAS test did not matter whatsoever.

Got denied from policing despite the highest physical score and highest written score in the test group because I had a medical Marijuana card 6 years ago because the war on opioids for a back problem I was born with and got surgically fixed.

Can't get an interview at the grocery store because I'm over qualified.

Can't get an interview for IT because my degree isnt in that field.

Pursuing medicine is worthless without spending most of a decade getting a PhD then acquiring 20 years of tenure.

What the actual fuck am I allowed to do?

Go back to college for another worthless degree and compete with Hajeeb who's willing to work for half my deserved salary and got his degree for free?

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