
Company said I resigned but in reality I was terminated

So I worked for this company around 8 years and consistently exceeded goals and metrics. Before working there I had an incident that caused internal bleeding and apparently lost enough blood that I almost died and was hospitalized for several weeks. I lost 28 pounds so if you're looking to loose weight… So after this I had to have follow up procedures every 6 months (surgery) to see if they need to do stitching to prevent another bleed out. Fast forward to June of last year and the bleeding started again along with type 2 diabetes. I also take medication for severe anxiety and depression and in this perfect storm add breaking up with my GF of 20 years and having to drive across the country with 2 cats because I couldn't afford rent on my single salary. You'd think at 52k plus the occasional bonus I'd be fine solo…

So I worked for this company around 8 years and consistently exceeded goals and metrics. Before working there I had an incident that caused internal bleeding and apparently lost enough blood that I almost died and was hospitalized for several weeks. I lost 28 pounds so if you're looking to loose weight…

So after this I had to have follow up procedures every 6 months (surgery) to see if they need to do stitching to prevent another bleed out. Fast forward to June of last year and the bleeding started again along with type 2 diabetes. I also take medication for severe anxiety and depression and in this perfect storm add breaking up with my GF of 20 years and having to drive across the country with 2 cats because I couldn't afford rent on my single salary. You'd think at 52k plus the occasional bonus I'd be fine solo but 210 sq ft studio was $1900 + utilities and that's a rant for another post, lol.

So, to the point. I wound up going on short term disability while I tried to get my health in order. I spent 6 months getting my meds adjusted and getting multiple surgeries. At the end of the 6 months I was told by HR that if I didn't return to work that the company would consider it my resignation. I asked my doctor if I should return to work and he advised me no, as he felt I wasn't healthy enough to work and if I DID go I'd wind up calling in sick to the point I'd get fired.

So, the day came and went and sure enough HR sent me a letter that stated that they accepted my resignation letter. However I actually liked my job and loved my friends as well as my manager and had sent no such resignation. Because of this I wasn't even able to apply for unemployment. My question is, is this legal? It's a “right to work state,” so I know they can fire you at any time but they claim I resigned and I never did.

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