
company sending in a new supervisor to torment the whole crew into quitting

Is there a term for this? And also is there anything employees can do to combat it? I can't say for certain but it looks to me like this is happening to a friend of mine at their place of work. Current supervisor went on maternity leave, then corporate brought in someone from outside to fill her position until she comes back. Or so they say. But this new person came in day one and was combative and disrespectful to everyone, talked down to everyone right away, was nitpicking and micromanaging every little thing anyone did, to the point that multiple people were in tears within the first few hours of them being there. Literally wouldn't even tell anyone their first name, just Mr./Mrs. last initial. They were also taking video of employees and sending them to corporate, as well as going through files and sharing information with corporate over…

Is there a term for this? And also is there anything employees can do to combat it? I can't say for certain but it looks to me like this is happening to a friend of mine at their place of work. Current supervisor went on maternity leave, then corporate brought in someone from outside to fill her position until she comes back. Or so they say. But this new person came in day one and was combative and disrespectful to everyone, talked down to everyone right away, was nitpicking and micromanaging every little thing anyone did, to the point that multiple people were in tears within the first few hours of them being there. Literally wouldn't even tell anyone their first name, just Mr./Mrs. last initial. They were also taking video of employees and sending them to corporate, as well as going through files and sharing information with corporate over the phone. It is now day 2 and getting worse to the point that 4 employees have already walked out today. To me it seems like they sent in a tyrant to break everyone into quitting so they can shut the business down without paying any unemployment. And to make it all worse, nobody can take anything to HR because the HR person for this company is the owners wife, and the owners are the one who sent this person in to begin with. Any insight or advice is appreciated. Also this is in the state of Oregon.

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