
Company staff benefits at the expense of my own salary

For context, I just joined my company about 2.5 months in. This is my 4th job since graduating. Settling in quite well with the tasks as it is more or less in line with my JD during the interviews. However, one thing bugs the hell out of me. I'm working in an operations/support team for which has nothing to do with HR. The only HR person in my company in my region is a HRBP. What that is, is that this HRBP doesn't do administrative stuff. They align on company goals with the management and etc, different from the usual HR managers, you can google on it. It's only been 2.5 months but I've already had to spend my salary for many things which are quite expensive and not at ALL related to my scope. The claims take a very long time to process, more than a month and I…

For context, I just joined my company about 2.5 months in. This is my 4th job since graduating. Settling in quite well with the tasks as it is more or less in line with my JD during the interviews.
However, one thing bugs the hell out of me.

I'm working in an operations/support team for which has nothing to do with HR. The only HR person in my company in my region is a HRBP. What that is, is that this HRBP doesn't do administrative stuff. They align on company goals with the management and etc, different from the usual HR managers, you can google on it.

It's only been 2.5 months but I've already had to spend my salary for many things which are quite expensive and not at ALL related to my scope. The claims take a very long time to process, more than a month and I have to get approval for it, chase for approval and then submit it to the finance department only to have to chase them to get it done ASAP.

This include things like:

1) Government account to access website to retrieve documents

2) A get-well-soon hamper for a big boss based in another region so I had to bear the additional currency exchange rates with my local debit card

3) Birthday vouchers and birthday cake for every individual in my company every month. The fixed budget per pax is over a $100, which is pretty ridiculous considering my company is very small.

Does it make sense ? Am I being f—ked over by both my superior and the HR by foolishly accepting these tasks which incur misc expenses which are not even supposed to be borne by me, as it is for the company's staff wellfare and not mine?

Firstly, I'm handling all my colleague's personal data such as address and handphone number. Wouldn't these constitute to violation of personal data protection laws as well. It seems like a grey area.

I'm so fed up over the delegation of these tasks to me, but because my position was newly opened up, It seems like not only my boss, but the HR and everyone else is just pushing whatever they can to me. Except that this time money is heavily involved and to be honest I'm not earning a very high salary. I'm just a small fry in the company, at the bottom of the food chain. They can’t even issue a company credit card for me.

If you've read my entire rant, thanks for reading.

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