
Company taking away my health insurance- any info appreciated

I have worked for this company for almost a year. I originally was part time, but about two months in I switched to full time to have access to benefits. The company standard is you have to average 30 hrs a week or 130 hours a month to be eligible. My scheduling manager overhired a couple of months ago and everyone in my department had their hours significantly cut (I’m talking 5 shifts to 2-3) for about a month and a half. I had to get a second job to make ends meet during that time. I emailed my manager during that time and told her a.)this is not enough money and b.) if I am only being scheduled 17-25 hours a week I will lose my insurance. I asked if I could pick up shifts in another department to make sure I didn’t lose my benefits. She assured me…

I have worked for this company for almost a year. I originally was part time, but about two months in I switched to full time to have access to benefits. The company standard is you have to average 30 hrs a week or 130 hours a month to be eligible.

My scheduling manager overhired a couple of months ago and everyone in my department had their hours significantly cut (I’m talking 5 shifts to 2-3) for about a month and a half. I had to get a second job to make ends meet during that time.
I emailed my manager during that time and told her a.)this is not enough money and b.) if I am only being scheduled 17-25 hours a week I will lose my insurance. I asked if I could pick up shifts in another department to make sure I didn’t lose my benefits. She assured me she would be scheduling me enough shifts every other week and that I would be fine. She never even acknowledged that I was trying to pick up shifts in another department to make sure I got my hours.

Now it is open enrollment and HR sent me a message saying I only averaged 25.44 hours and I am losing my benefits. (Sorry for the inconvenience. LOL)
Except I pulled up all of my paystubs, did the math, and my average is actually 28.76 hours. Still not 30 but….1.24 hours off.

I emailed HR and my General Manager about this and both of them have ignored me.
I’m starting to feel that all of this is intentional. Is there anything I can do about this? Besides quit? Lol. I live in Indiana btw

Also I am aware of at least two employees that have been with the company much longer than me- They do not always hit their 30 hr average but are never cut from their benefits because of their seniority. This is all hush hush.

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