
Company Updated Their Policy: I No Longer Fit Their Guidelines

I've been working at my place of employment for just shy of two years now, but we've recently undergone a change of leadership. The new boss just updated our dress code and banned face piercings, stating they're a “safety haphazard.” I'm finding it hard not to feel targeted as I'm the only one who has any piercings. The policy goes into effect in five days and I'm worrying hard about money.

I've been working at my place of employment for just shy of two years now, but we've recently undergone a change of leadership. The new boss just updated our dress code and banned face piercings, stating they're a “safety haphazard.”

I'm finding it hard not to feel targeted as I'm the only one who has any piercings. The policy goes into effect in five days and I'm worrying hard about money.

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