
Completely bombed a phone interview today and feel worthless.

I had a phone interview with a cannabis growing company, whom I applied over the weekend because the position really intrigued me. I had a phone interview at 11am this morning and I feel I completely bombed it. It was scheduled for a half hour, and my call lasted 10 minutes.. I don’t know how to interview and no matter how hard I try, I just resort to clear & concise answers, short and to the point. I have no problem answering questions such as “What are your strengths?”, but she also asked me my weaknesses and I said “Honestly, I’m not sure” and she said okay with an awkward pause. She asked why I wanted to work there, and I said “In my current role, I feel I’ve reached a ceiling in the ability to learn new skills, and I became intrigued when I saw your job posting, knowing…

I had a phone interview with a cannabis growing company, whom I applied over the weekend because the position really intrigued me.

I had a phone interview at 11am this morning and I feel I completely bombed it. It was scheduled for a half hour, and my call lasted 10 minutes.. I don’t know how to interview and no matter how hard I try, I just resort to clear & concise answers, short and to the point.

I have no problem answering questions such as “What are your strengths?”, but she also asked me my weaknesses and I said “Honestly, I’m not sure” and she said okay with an awkward pause. She asked why I wanted to work there, and I said “In my current role, I feel I’ve reached a ceiling in the ability to learn new skills, and I became intrigued when I saw your job posting, knowing the medical marijuana industry is growing rapidly in my area and I’d like to learn the skill.”

I’m growing extremely frustrated because I’m of the believe my current job is a health hazard, so I’m applying any and all places just to get the fuck out (those with comparable wages) and I feel I keep falling flat on my face and I’m starting to grow more depressed and I can’t shake the feeling that I’m worthless.

I really don’t know what to do, guys. Is there anything you can give me in terms of advice?

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