
Condescending people who call 8-hour days “part-time” are dicks

You know who I’m talking about. The people who say “40 hours? I rEmEmBeR mY FiRsT pArT tImE jOb.” Seriously, get a life. It’s kind of like an a$$hole revving his loud clunker through a residential area. No one gives a shit and no one is impressed with whatever flex it is you have going on. And no one is jealous that you work more than 40 hours. This post is not directed at people who work long hours and aren’t bragging about it. This is specifically about those morons who think it’s a noble thing and are incendiary towards those who want balance.

You know who I’m talking about. The people who say “40 hours? I rEmEmBeR mY FiRsT pArT tImE jOb.”

Seriously, get a life. It’s kind of like an a$$hole revving his loud clunker through a residential area. No one gives a shit and no one is impressed with whatever flex it is you have going on. And no one is jealous that you work more than 40 hours.

This post is not directed at people who work long hours and aren’t bragging about it. This is specifically about those morons who think it’s a noble thing and are incendiary towards those who want balance.

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