
Confession: I fucked off and I loved it

I'm a so called hybrid salesman meaning I do both Outside and Inside sales. Most days I do inside sales but once every so often I travel on the road to see customers. It rotates as well what cites and customers I call on depending on date. Well, couple weeks ago I had a sales run. I had made a list of custies to call on, and I had already made that list as small as I could because lately, with new CEO, changes and mainly just general work and US life induced depression, I've felt less than motivated. So most of the sales calls were in yhe same city. I got there. Made four calls, three of which the customers were out of the office and I just left my card. Got to number 5, nobody there. I said fuck it. I bought lunch, looked up a nearby park…

I'm a so called hybrid salesman meaning I do both Outside and Inside sales. Most days I do inside sales but once every so often I travel on the road to see customers. It rotates as well what cites and customers I call on depending on date.

Well, couple weeks ago I had a sales run. I had made a list of custies to call on, and I had already made that list as small as I could because lately, with new CEO, changes and mainly just general work and US life induced depression, I've felt less than motivated. So most of the sales calls were in yhe same city.

I got there. Made four calls, three of which the customers were out of the office and I just left my card. Got to number 5, nobody there.

I said fuck it. I bought lunch, looked up a nearby park on GPS, went there. I sat down in the park, and I chilled, and I just sat there, for two hours straight, listened to the birds, played on my phone, and relaxed. On the clock (salaried, technically). It was amazing, refreshing and relaxing. Probably three hours away from my office so no risk of anyone seeing me. Even took these photos.

I loved it.

Fuck work. There is more to life than Americans get to experience. Because work.

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