
Confirm my suspicions?

I've worked for my employer for 6+ years, in an industry we'll just call heavy construction/ manufacturing. Unlike many here(and they are right for being upset), I feel like I've been well compensated for my labor. Here's a run up of key events past 3 years. A few years ago, they cut our insurance. We had a “Cadillac” plan where we paid no premiums. I was part of the organizing team to unionize our plant. Upon a successful vote in favor of the union, I sent the GM/VP a funeral arrangement of flowers with a note that said “Sorry for your loss – Local xxxxxxx”. They found out it was me, but no recourse. The union came in and I started focusing on career progression, taking college classes paid for by the union. My supervisor got fired and my lead was promoted to the position. Mind you, at this time…

I've worked for my employer for 6+ years, in an industry we'll just call heavy construction/ manufacturing. Unlike many here(and they are right for being upset), I feel like I've been well compensated for my labor. Here's a run up of key events past 3 years.

A few years ago, they cut our insurance. We had a “Cadillac” plan where we paid no premiums. I was part of the organizing team to unionize our plant. Upon a successful vote in favor of the union, I sent the GM/VP a funeral arrangement of flowers with a note that said “Sorry for your loss – Local xxxxxxx”. They found out it was me, but no recourse.

The union came in and I started focusing on career progression, taking college classes paid for by the union. My supervisor got fired and my lead was promoted to the position. Mind you, at this time I was laser focused on my education. I was in a position with a piece rate where I could earn 3x my base pay and only work 5-6 hours a day.

My lead turned supervisor felt I wasn't being utilized well and promoted me to a lead position, with the understanding I'd continue to do the piece work because I like money. All was good for awhile, upper management didn't like that our department had “two” leads but my role wasn't intended to be that. I revamped our daily reports, simplified processes, track and visualize data(computer ish). And probably the most vital was serve as confidant including formulating/facilitating ideas to be improve how the department ran.

During this time I delayed my education, took a position on the off shift to alleviate some personnel problems and managerialstress. This was all voluntary, and the agreement was I'd return to the regular shift when at my discretion. When I finally did I was notified that my “title” and base pay would revert to the piece work title. My response, do whatever but I'm coming back. That was 4 months ago, and my supervisor didn't want to essentially “demote” me. So he didn't, kept the title and the pay everyone else be damned.

Fast forward to now, basically the last couple of weeks. They announced a layoff, and my demotion finally came and was only mentioned in passing. I said I was surprised it didn't happen sooner and got back on track with my education. I was locked out of my company account, no reason given, despite my intention to continue a supporting the data tracking. Just went in this past week and did my job and left, 5 hour days (nice). Mind you, I wasn't even talking to anyone at this point.

Yesterday, my coworker messaged me after hours saying I could no longer use his account for some of my tasks and I finally had it. Told him I understand and called my supervisor to ask what the problem is. Supposedly I accessed something I wasn't supposed to on the network, he was as baffled as I was. The doc in question was a seniority list that is posted by the timeclock, I pulled it up because someone asked where they were at overall. This wasn't some big secret but apparently made management uneasy. To the point no one even asked me about it.

I'm okay with the demotion, the base pay cut, and fully returning to arguably the best job I've had. I can't shake the feeling that my original plan for progression has been directly impacted by this. As of now, I'm shooting for an Bachelors, hopefully in 6 months or less. My plan was to continue with piecework for another 1.5 years then move up or on. Should I be looking to accelerate the whole timeline and be looking for opportunities elsewhere after degree completion? Im not sure I see the upward mobility that was all but a shoe in a few months ago.

TLDR: Companies sketchy, they made me sketchy of them. Should I stick with the original plan to try and advance or accelerate education and gtfo?

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