
Conflicted as hell

Hi, as seen in title, I'm having some indecision lately. So I was first hired by a contract company in April. I work as a dietitian in PA. The contract company I worked for had locations all over the country, which was especially appealing since I was planning a move to a different state. I was even working out some times to travel to states in New England to get a good idea of the area, housing, and job locations. As of two weeks ago, the contract company announced that they would be leaving the facility as they weren't being paid for the employees and services they provide. We, as employees, were left in the dark and had to make huge decisions on the fly. Continue with the facility and sign on to be their staff or leave and take unemployment. I signed a job offer that I believe they…

Hi, as seen in title, I'm having some indecision lately. So I was first hired by a contract company in April. I work as a dietitian in PA. The contract company I worked for had locations all over the country, which was especially appealing since I was planning a move to a different state. I was even working out some times to travel to states in New England to get a good idea of the area, housing, and job locations. As of two weeks ago, the contract company announced that they would be leaving the facility as they weren't being paid for the employees and services they provide. We, as employees, were left in the dark and had to make huge decisions on the fly. Continue with the facility and sign on to be their staff or leave and take unemployment. I signed a job offer that I believe they treat as a contract, but have been having second thoughts. They management is terrible, HR basically bullied me into signing the offer (all pissy when we discussed it initially, then cheery and making jokes when I signed), and the facility itself is falling apart.

I'm feeling in over my head with the new responsibilities that are bound to fall onto me (other dietitians in my position have already shared their horror stories). I eventually wanted to go back to school for a masters, but it feels like I have to make too many decisions too quickly. Work is stressing me out and it feels like I dont have enough time to do any research/job searching. I'm in need of time right now, which I feel taking unemployment and not working would grant, but is it too late? I'm already on their payroll and today was technically a first day. I have yet to finish onboarding and doing the I9 identification stuff… Help. Thanks a lot.

Tl;dr: am I allowed to just leave a new job after I've signed their offer and take unemployment?

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