
Contemplating a move from state government to private sector

I've been in state and local government (Australia) almost my entire working career, but am becoming more and more disenchanted with my new director who is creating toxic chaos on a daily basis and methodically trashing my particular branch, along with the wonderful staff (about 50) that I work alongside. I potentially have an amazing opportunity to do specialised work in the private sector being paid my worth, with flexibility, lots of benefits, interstate travel, and a much greater level of respect. Would you leave if you were me? (Note I have about 15 working years still ahead of me)

I've been in state and local government (Australia) almost my entire working career, but am becoming more and more disenchanted with my new director who is creating toxic chaos on a daily basis and methodically trashing my particular branch, along with the wonderful staff (about 50) that I work alongside. I potentially have an amazing opportunity to do specialised work in the private sector being paid my worth, with flexibility, lots of benefits, interstate travel, and a much greater level of respect.

Would you leave if you were me? (Note I have about 15 working years still ahead of me)

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