
Context on my time theft post

So it looks like my post got taken down but holy shit I appreciate the amount of support from y’all! I wasn’t expecting it to get this crazy. And to add more context for y’all, did I actually steal time? If we’re being technical about it, yes I did. The way I “clocked in” was through a sign in sheet and every morning I would write down that I came in at 5:00am and obviously I was not always there at 5 on the dot. Some days it’d be 5:03 or 5:06 but I didn’t think it was a big deal. Same thing for lunch. The whole warehouse would leave a few minutes early to beat the traffic and I would come back about 5 minutes after lunch. Again I didn’t think it was a big deal and I didn’t “steal time” with intent. I only worked there for 6…

So it looks like my post got taken down but holy shit I appreciate the amount of support from y’all! I wasn’t expecting it to get this crazy. And to add more context for y’all, did I actually steal time? If we’re being technical about it, yes I did. The way I “clocked in” was through a sign in sheet and every morning I would write down that I came in at 5:00am and obviously I was not always there at 5 on the dot. Some days it’d be 5:03 or 5:06 but I didn’t think it was a big deal. Same thing for lunch. The whole warehouse would leave a few minutes early to beat the traffic and I would come back about 5 minutes after lunch. Again I didn’t think it was a big deal and I didn’t “steal time” with intent. I only worked there for 6 months which is why I said I’m not expecting it to be a huge amount.

This is just a cheap ass company being petty because I was accused by my boss that I only did one job through my final week which was a complete lie and even said they have it on record. And I knew exactly what the problem was, it was my supervisor taking the credit for my work when the machines would finish running the next day. I was told by my coworkers that he has done it before but won’t punish him because they play favorites there. Hell HE actually steals time by hiding in the back where there’s no cameras and vapes/plays games on his phone with his group chat of friends.

This company has shitty managers that only give .50 cent raises at the end of the year and that’s IF they’re feeling generous. Everyone and I mean everyone hates my ex boss there. Everyday there was always a huge argument and a ton of write ups to HR. But they won’t fire him since he’s Korean and the company is originally Korean as well. It’s a shame because before my ex boss started working there. I was told by my coworkers that the company was way more chill and did lots of fun activities and were given free food on Friday’s. Suck to see one person ruin a healthy environment. I’m going to pay whatever the fuck they want just cause I don’t want any legal issues cause I know their cheap asses would love to steal more money from their employees. If I could leave A thousand bad reviews on their company I fucking would. I appreciate y’all for your advice!

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