
Contract terminated abruptly; before I left, coworker passively mentioned that contact endings had to have 30 days notice, but I can’t find my original contract to check.

I’ve really been freaking out for the past month or so about this. So I had been doing contracted IT work for a non profit for 4 years & almost exactly a month ago, my manager and the head of IT travelled up from 3 states away randomly to end my contact because “they are restructuring the position” which means whatever they’re doing, it’s without me. This comes on the heels of them probably getting tired of me constantly refuting the additional new responsibilities/locations without restructuring my contract. Anyway, I had a hunch things were going this way, so I reached out to a friendly enough former manager in the IT at the time (but also obviously a company man) to ask if they were in fact ending my contract. He played dumb like he didn’t know, which was kind of expected and fine, but during the playing dumb he…

I’ve really been freaking out for the past month or so about this. So I had been doing contracted IT work for a non profit for 4 years & almost exactly
a month ago, my manager and the head of IT travelled up from 3 states away randomly to end my contact because “they are restructuring the position” which means whatever they’re doing, it’s without me. This comes on the heels of them probably getting tired of me constantly refuting the additional new responsibilities/locations without restructuring my contract.

Anyway, I had a hunch things were going this way, so I reached out to a friendly enough former manager in the IT at the time (but also obviously a company man) to ask if they were in fact ending my contract. He played dumb like he didn’t know, which was kind of expected and fine, but during the playing dumb he kept mentioning that he didn’t think they could end contracts without 30 days notice; like an Easter egg. And that stuck with me (like Homer hearing Lenny say DENTAL PLAN over and over in his head).

Since then i have been tearing my home apart trying to find my OG contract to see if this is correct. Im certain it’s here SOMEWHERE but in the off chance I can’t find the original contract, what am I to do? Can I attempt to obtain a copy from the old job? Would they even bother to provide it? Lie and say they don’t have a copy? It may not even be a thing but I just want to make sure they aren’t getting away with anything against the contract. Thanks for reading.

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