
Coping with extreme stress from a previous job

Hello, I’m posting this because I need to get it out to real people, and I don’t know where else to turn. I thought redditors here might be supportive. Basically, I used to be a teacher. I hated it. I quit teaching after last school year, never to return again. I am struggling with non-stop intrusive thoughts and stress about my time in the classroom. It was a very toxic work environment where it seemed like everyone was miserable, and a there was a culture of constant complaining and gossiping. Big staffing shortage (obviously). A lot of crying among staff, too (including meltdowns in front of the kids). Anyways, I keep thinking about the moments where I was pushed to my brink, and acted in ways than I’m less than proud of. Nothing horrible, but got pissed at administrators and fucking let them know. And got frustrated with kids, too.…

Hello, I’m posting this because I need to get it out to real people, and I don’t know where else to turn. I thought redditors here might be supportive. Basically, I used to be a teacher. I hated it. I quit teaching after last school year, never to return again. I am struggling with non-stop intrusive thoughts and stress about my time in the classroom. It was a very toxic work environment where it seemed like everyone was miserable, and a there was a culture of constant complaining and gossiping. Big staffing shortage (obviously). A lot of crying among staff, too (including meltdowns in front of the kids).

Anyways, I keep thinking about the moments where I was pushed to my brink, and acted in ways than I’m less than proud of. Nothing horrible, but got pissed at administrators and fucking let them know. And got frustrated with kids, too. I’m overwhelmed by shame and it’s making it hard to focus on my day-to-day. This is three months after my last day teaching.

Does anyone have any advice to let this go and move on? I am in therapy.

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