
Corporate America does not support working parents

Bit of a rant. I'm the primary caregiver of my 1 year old son – I do pick ups, drop offs, and care for him when daycare is closed, or he's ill. Since I breastfeed, my husband and I decided this was what worked for our family and situation. He works tech at the local hospital, and his hours are just not conducive to do otherwise. Last week, my son started at a new daycare after being with a babysitter since he was 2 months old (we loved her, but she was constantly calling out). I also started a new job after being unemployed since May with no unemployment benefits. Of course, as luck would have it, he became very ill this week, forcing me to call out. Per the daycare's policies, he has to be fever and symptom free for 24 hours before he can return. As I have…

Bit of a rant.

I'm the primary caregiver of my 1 year old son – I do pick ups, drop offs, and care for him when daycare is closed, or he's ill. Since I breastfeed, my husband and I decided this was what worked for our family and situation. He works tech at the local hospital, and his hours are just not conducive to do otherwise.

Last week, my son started at a new daycare after being with a babysitter since he was 2 months old (we loved her, but she was constantly calling out). I also started a new job after being unemployed since May with no unemployment benefits. Of course, as luck would have it, he became very ill this week, forcing me to call out. Per the daycare's policies, he has to be fever and symptom free for 24 hours before he can return. As I have no other childcare options, I'm forced to stay home with him. Of course, per the norm in these situations, I also contracted whatever he's sick with, and respectfully requested to pause my training for this week so that i could care for our health. Because of this, I was let go for not prioritizing my role.

How am I, how is anyone supposed to keep a job if, God forbid, you put your family and health first? The fact that you're expected to work like you don't have a family or life outside of work, while taking care of, and nurturing that family as if you don't have a job is ridiculous

I've searched for WFH jobs, but to no avail. Even if I had one, if my son is home sick, I'm going to focus my attention on him…

Thanks for sticking with me this far

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