
Corporate conspiracies

I’m at a job where i was really comfortable aside from some core lies about pay and newly implemented rules to get a pay raise (made it increasingly hard to get. I’ve given up). I wont lie, it had a lot of red flags upon being hired, but it had paid holidays and the ability to get a decent amount of pto. One day a manager became pregnant and was replaced by a temporary one that was carried around on a wheels (observing us via laptop. Crazy, right?) and that manager started giving write ups and firing people left and right for things everyone in the building did. An italian, a black woman, and now they’re targeting a hispanic. Several months later and the pregnant manager found out this had happened when she was supposed to come back and was angry enough to refuse to come back to the office.…

I’m at a job where i was really comfortable aside from some core lies about pay and newly implemented rules to get a pay raise (made it increasingly hard to get. I’ve given up). I wont lie, it had a lot of red flags upon being hired, but it had paid holidays and the ability to get a decent amount of pto.

One day a manager became pregnant and was replaced by a temporary one that was carried around on a wheels (observing us via laptop. Crazy, right?) and that manager started giving write ups and firing people left and right for things everyone in the building did. An italian, a black woman, and now they’re targeting a hispanic.

Several months later and the pregnant manager found out this had happened when she was supposed to come back and was angry enough to refuse to come back to the office. The old, fantastic, secretary transferred suddenly and now a coworker took her place.

This meant we needed someone else. I thought this would be the end of our troubles, but it turns out my head boss (a director) of the building is using a ‘good cop/bad cop’ system to give write ups while having everyone direct their anger at the ‘bad cop’ . The new secretary will isolate coworkers, be friendly to your face, and then go into an office with the director to explain why a writeup is owed while the director pretends to be a good person who has no choice but to listen and give the write up…? The director has told me before that she is the only one who can give write ups.

So can anyone explain what is happening? It is was bought out by a corporation recently but now it feels like a bloodbath!?

This place used to have the best work atmosphere i’ve had aside from the pay and health insurance.

Now i stress going to work and i cant talk to my boss anymore because she is the one , along with the secretary, causing all of this.

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