
Corporation cutting workers pay/hours to compensate their business budget cuts, adding more workload

I will delete if not allowed, or tell me where to cross-post, im new to this. Sorry for the post being long. Ive worked for this USA vitamin supplement corporation for several years now. Since prior to covid outbreak… Let me tell you, things have gotten worse and worse in store operations. The company keeps deleting entire job positions and laying off those workers and therefore causing the workload of those titles onto other job positions. Seems as of the last year, this company is continually implementing budget cuts that not only effect having the proper fuctioning equipment needed to do the job, but effects store workers hours and pay being cut while also adding more tasks and mandatory micro managing procedures.. ie; daily conf calls during operation times, sales pitching role play, paper work to match the electronic work, ect. Its also a retail “nutrition sales” job with constant…

I will delete if not allowed, or tell me where to cross-post, im new to this. Sorry for the post being long.

Ive worked for this USA vitamin supplement corporation for several years now. Since prior to covid outbreak… Let me tell you, things have gotten worse and worse in store operations.

The company keeps deleting entire job positions and laying off those workers and therefore causing the workload of those titles onto other job positions. Seems as of the last year, this company is continually implementing budget cuts that not only effect having the proper fuctioning equipment needed to do the job, but effects store workers hours and pay being cut while also adding more tasks and mandatory micro managing procedures.. ie; daily conf calls during operation times, sales pitching role play, paper work to match the electronic work, ect.

Its also a retail “nutrition sales” job with constant unachievable sales quotas and incentives that have qualifications needed simultaneously and is used against us to withold bonus payouts.

We just need help as workers to understand if we should just try to find other work and let this corporation fail (most of us are or feel stuck here) or if this type of behavior calls for all of us coming together to demand better store operation standards and wage compensation.

Also I'll add that this corporation splits into multiple seperate districts and its very hard for staff to openly communicate with eachother without corporate monitoring. But those of us that do communicate on the side are talking about organizing a boycott or walkout for better working standards and liveable wages.

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