You what grinds my gears…when you act your wage and you let pettiness affect how you treat new hires. Its not the poor kid's fault the boss hired him at 3 dollars more even you got more experience.
Story time ya bunch of goblins… I saw an 18 year old kid get hired making more than me without experience (back in the day)…You know what I did? I took that little shit under my wing and I showed him how it was done because he wanted to make a living and learn a trade. You know what I didnt do? Barely train the kid because I was petty and didnt give a shit because Im an old fart stuck in my ways who only watches old shows cause he likes to edge to nostalgia of perceived better times.
I dont remember if this was a rant or a story….whatever….old people suck…to the detriment of others…I hope you're reading this Will.