
Covid Procedure

I’m absolutely done, I just started a new job a month ago and of course me and my girlfriend get Covid. So I call HR to tell them and find out how to proceed expecting some sympathy. I get told there is no procedure and they expect me to return to work right away or take points that could get me fired. What are we waiting for what are we doing in this country that we will just sit back and take this? How much longer will we let these company’s control our lives and treat us like this?

I’m absolutely done, I just started a new job a month ago and of course me and my girlfriend get Covid. So I call HR to tell them and find out how to proceed expecting some sympathy. I get told there is no procedure and they expect me to return to work right away or take points that could get me fired. What are we waiting for what are we doing in this country that we will just sit back and take this? How much longer will we let these company’s control our lives and treat us like this?

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