
Coworker competing in who works faster

Hi, So I have this coworker (not really a coworker as I'm freelance and work with his company as my client) he says I can finish this task in x amount of hours, let me know how long you are going to do in it, So the company knows how much they are spending on such projects… Like…? Why does he care? My invoice already has all details of hours worked on each project and goes straight to the management that I work with. Not sure what to do with this person and its annoying me. This person has more than 10 years more experience than me and is competing with me on how long we do the same task… Am I crazy for thinking this is weird? What do I say? Do I ignore?


So I have this coworker (not really a coworker as I'm freelance and work with his company as my client) he says I can finish this task in x amount of hours, let me know how long you are going to do in it, So the company knows how much they are spending on such projects… Like…? Why does he care? My invoice already has all details of hours worked on each project and goes straight to the management that I work with. Not sure what to do with this person and its annoying me. This person has more than 10 years more experience than me and is competing with me on how long we do the same task… Am I crazy for thinking this is weird? What do I say? Do I ignore?

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