
Coworker diagnosed with cancer so HR sent out the “Support Our Colleague” PTO donation guilt trip email

I’m sure this topic comes up fairly regularly, but when I saw the email this morning it just made me sad and frustrated. I do appreciate my job and my company is far from “evil soul sucking corporation” on the scale of dream job to literal hell. It still bums me out that this is the approach – and honestly one of the “perks” we are told about while onboarding, as I’m sure is the case with other places that offer this “benefit.” Because the alternative is leave without pay at best, or more than likely termination if the employee has an extended absence. Employees should not be guilted in to giving up the PTO they have earned to supplement each other in times of crisis. That’s all I really wanted to say. I hope that someday, maybe even in my lifetime (🥲), we can change things, make them better.…

I’m sure this topic comes up fairly regularly, but when I saw the email this morning it just made me sad and frustrated.

I do appreciate my job and my company is far from “evil soul sucking corporation” on the scale of dream job to literal hell. It still bums me out that this is the approach – and honestly one of the “perks” we are told about while onboarding, as I’m sure is the case with other places that offer this “benefit.” Because the alternative is leave without pay at best, or more than likely termination if the employee has an extended absence. Employees should not be guilted in to giving up the PTO they have earned to supplement each other in times of crisis.

That’s all I really wanted to say. I hope that someday, maybe even in my lifetime (🥲), we can change things, make them better. Wishing all of you good luck, good health, and happiness.

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