
Coworker is buying gifts for management to move up corporate ladder

I’ve hit a complete plateau in my career by reporting a coworker to management for hostile work environment. (first mistake is trusting them with this sincere complaint) and it rubbed my manager (whom once respected me) the wrong way. She’s very distant towards me, doesn’t include me in anything anymore (the last 60 days) and finally: we have a newer coworker (not the one I reported) who got hired and he’s buying gifts for all of management and his brown nosing is totally working. He’s now best friends with my management And I’m stuck applying for new jobs because it feels like the light of my job just died. Is there any light in the end of the tunnel? How to repair this sinking relationship with my manager? Anyone else gone through something similar? RIP my cozy Monday- Friday office job.

I’ve hit a complete plateau in my career by reporting a coworker to management for hostile work environment. (first mistake is trusting them with this sincere complaint) and it rubbed my manager (whom once respected me) the wrong way. She’s very distant towards me, doesn’t include me in anything anymore (the last 60 days) and finally: we have a newer coworker (not the one I reported) who got hired and he’s buying gifts for all of management and his brown nosing is totally working. He’s now best friends with my management
And I’m stuck applying for new jobs because it feels like the light of my job just died. Is there any light in the end of the tunnel?
How to repair this sinking relationship with my manager?
Anyone else gone through something similar?
RIP my cozy Monday- Friday office job.

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