
Coworker is nitpicked on by manager, is there anything she can do?

Coworker 27F is nitpicked by our manager. We work for the county as legal assistants. Our manager expects her to send her emails (literally reports) on every single thing she has done when she covers for people. She’s our floater / coverage person / extra body essentially. She used to be part of front desk staff but she got promoted. Even then she has the experience and does a better job managing the front desk than our new hires. When I and others have done coverage, we are not asked to send detailed report to the manager. I think this is super weird. Well our manager expects her to send her reports on every single thing she does. Manager tried to stir the pot by asking her why one of front desk folks is getting too involved for her position (being lower). Instead of the manager approaching this new coworker…

Coworker 27F is nitpicked by our manager. We work for the county as legal assistants. Our manager expects her to send her emails (literally reports) on every single thing she has done when she covers for people. She’s our floater / coverage person / extra body essentially. She used to be part of front desk staff but she got promoted. Even then she has the experience and does a better job managing the front desk than our new hires. When I and others have done coverage, we are not asked to send detailed report to the manager. I think this is super weird.

Well our manager expects her to send her reports on every single thing she does. Manager tried to stir the pot by asking her why one of front desk folks is getting too involved for her position (being lower). Instead of the manager approaching this new coworker and having a sit down, the manager chooses to get my coworker involved. This certainly would cause tension. My coworker questioned my manager telling her it’s not okay and the manager just laughed.

I do have to note my coworker is very looud spoken, she and others brought our manager to have a sit down with HR and our Union because she is our union VP. Of course nothing changed.

My coworker is constantly stressed and depressed and anxious from this constant nitpicking. Besides she also has family stuff going on. I don’t know what to do and it makes me mad the manager is on one. Is this worth bringing it to the attention of the Union again?

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